Apr 22, 2024

The Communist Heresy


Communist ideology is a huge destroyer of beauty, in many forms. 

Far from the beautifully created "image of God," the inherent dignity of the human person is stripped of the spiritual dimension and reduced to the material dimension. Communist ideology reduces the dignity of the human person to his usefulness as a worker, ignoring his God-given beauty.

Communist ideology also strips the spiritual dimension from the very concept of beauty. Rather than beauty being a reflection of the Beauty of God in God's creation and a participation of the artist in the creativity of God, the so-called "modern" art seeks to portray nothing more than the human manufacturing capability, cut off from any higher purpose, the mere ability for man to brush or splash paint onto canvas, or the ability of man to construct a crude self-standing structure on his own, apart from God's inspiration. Communist ideological reduction to the mere material elements causes modern art to be down-right ugly.

Communist ideology strips the beauty of the spiritual dimension from society itself. In place of the family, which was instituted and created by God, and in which husband and wife participate in the creativity of God through the procreation and education of children, Communist ideology would reduce society to one thing, converging into a universal, totalitarian, all-encompassing, man-made State, in which the family looses its autonomy, and looses its status as the fundamental unit of society where children are procreated and educated.

Socialism is the means used by Communist ideology to strip society of its spiritual beauty. In place of seeking eternal happiness in heaven with God, Socialism attempts to manifacture, by purely materialistic means, an imaginary and unattainable paradise on earth without God's help. Private property, and the free use of it, is progressively abolished or controlled by the State.  

Socialism even seeks to abolish money itself and the free use of cash. Instead of looking to God to provide for our needs through the natural and supernatural/Sacramental means that God has ordained, the progressive Socialist State seeks to provide more and more for every "essential" human need without any respect for God or the autonomy of the family unit. Children no longer belong to their parents but they become wards of the State or the local "village." Instead of worshiping God, people worship the materialistic provisions of the State.

In practice, one way that Communism and Socialism strip culture of its spiritual beauty is by eliminating or limiting the capacity for human creativity. This is done by limiting the freedom of initiative for small, family-based businesses, taxing them out of existence, and by inflating the currency faster than wages can increase. Meanwhile, wages are gradually replaced with mandated non-monetary benefits which the worker has less control over.

There is something very beautiful in the life lived by consecrated Religious, namely God. Although the Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience ("no money, no Honey, and a boss") of consecrated religious life is basically small-scale Socialism except with God, the Church has been very clear in her teachings that condemn National Sociaism and Communism as such.

Regarding the errors of Sociaism and Communism, Our Lady of Fatima warned us that the USSR (look up that acronym) would spread her errors, which Russia did, including to NAZI (look up that acronym) Germany and to much of Europe, which has all but lost its faith in the process of secularization, de-spiritualization, and de-beautification.

In public schools when I was growing up, we were taught the lie that Socialism was a kind of middle ground between Communism and the status quo, as if it were the way to make peace between warring ideologies. But this approach to Socialism is actually a participation in the Communist error.

At the root of the Communist ideology is an ugly heresy, very much a problem in our day, which strips truth itself of its own beauty. Rather than truth being a beautiful participation in the eternal, unchanging Word of God, this heresy claims that truth is an ever-changing construct, the repeated "synthesis" of "thesis" and "antithesis" as if this were the God-less governing principle of all of human history and existence. 

In philosophy, this ugly heresy is called "Hegel's Dialectic." In official church teaching, Pope Pius X calls it the heresy of "Evolutionism," and identifies it as one of the three parts of the heresy of "Modernism." In biology, this is expressed as evolutionsim, which claims that we are nothing more than self-evolved slime-of-the-earth and that our dignity isn't much greater than than that of the animals. 

In Marxism, this ugly heresy is expressed in the doctrine of "class warfare," godlessly claiming that the existence of wealthy families will inevitably lead to violent revolution where the "haves" are murderously overthrown by the "have-nots." In Critical Race Theory this same idea is formulated to claim that where there are two races, it is assumed that there is no God for both of them to look up to together in harmony, and the oppressive race will inevitably be overthrown by the oppressed race, resulting in the elimination of the oppressor or even a synthesis of the two. In NAZI ideology it was claimed that the wealthy Jewish bankers were the oppressors because they were inflating the currency, but their "solution" was God-less and I need not add any additional description. 

All of these ideologies are wrong and they have at their root a very ugly heresy called "Hegel's Dialectic," "Evolutionism," and "Modernism." The ugliness of it all comes from atheistic materialistic reductionism, the ideology behind Communism which is an attack on all spiritual beauty.

God Bless


  1. Beautiful articulation of the errors of communism!

  2. Keep fighting the good fight! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!!!

  3. Andy RegisterMay 01, 2024

    Great write up, I just finished the Devil and Communist China. Wow did USSR spread their errors.
