Apr 25, 2013

"There is no Authority except from God..."

Is it Illegal to give Legal Advice?

Well, here goes--Let's let God be the Judge--In the end, His opinion is the only one that matters. All authority comes from God, but just as the Lord gives, the Lord can take away.

So, here is my legal advice for anyone seeking peace:  Obey God, Who created you, loves you, and wants to give you the fullness of life.  Obey the divine Law, which is present in Nature, governing the created order of the universe, an order which is understandable by human reason and sheds light on the moral quality of human choices--obey the divine Law, which was gradually revealed to our Fathers in Faith, and made crystal clear in Jesus Christ and His Love for the Church.

Obey the Law, first and foremost, at its most fundamental level--as a reality that we receive, not as a reality that we would create--Consider that only God can create something from nothing, and while He does share with us the capacity to create things, we are limited in the use of this creative power--we can only create something from something else, respecting the nature of the things we started with, the things God gave us--Whether we are building something out of wood, or endeavoring to build a just and peaceful society, we must respect the integrity of the wood itself in such a way that it does not splinter or shatter, just as we must respect the Family, given to us by God, as the fundamental building-block of society.

Now, here is some more legal advice:  Obey all human laws out of respect for the divine Law, and heed, insofar as you are able, all reasonable requests from human authorities (Parents, Teachers, community Leaders at every level and branch of government and free association, and yes, your Spouse). But do not neglect to listen to God when He vindicates his Truth and Love through the Church and even whispers to you through your conscience--At the right moment, He will speak to your heart, prompting you to do for your neighbor what you would want him to do for you, what is good or necessary for his well-being, even (and especially) if he would be ashamed to ask you for it. This "Golden Rule" is at the heart of the Natural Law.

That said, here is my last bit of legal advice for those who truly seek peace:  Do not be afraid!  Obey God's Law at all costs, whether it is the Law of Moses and the Law of the Gospel, or the more subtle expression of the same divine Law inherent in Creation. Here is a summary, but please examine it for yourself with the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
  1. Seek the Truth ...............................................................(CCC 2104)
  2. Confess the Faith without Fear .......................................(CCC 2145)
  3. Sunday is a Day of Protest..............................................(CCC 2172)
  4. Family is the Foundation of Freedom ..............................(CCC 2207)
  5. Do not provide abortifacent drugs to women ...................(CCC 2272)
    Do not look the other way, and do not be silent, when the innocent sick or elderly receive a death sentence. Do not fail to give them nutrition and hydration, even by artificial means, if it is possible and safe for the patient. (CCC 2277) (Clarification)
    Yea--human life is sacred ...............................................(CCC 2258)
  6. ...and so is human sexuality .............................................(CCC 2361)
  7. Do your part to take care of Creation and the Poor...........(CCC 2443) 
  8. Bear witness to the Truth .................................................(CCC 2471)
    Do not allow the truth to be silenced by the powerful........ (CCC 2499)
  9. Modesty is decency......................................................... (CCC 2522)
  10. The Poor will see God......................................................(CCC 2547)
Keep in mind that any human law that does not respect the divine Law is actually an act of violence, and is therefore no law at all, and that any unjust request by human authority must not be obeyed, insofar as doing so would [clearly and] objectively violate God's Law [and not just be perceived as a "lesser good"].  In such a situation, God permits those in authority to abdicate their own authority by the very act of issuing an unjust law or command, but only with respect to that particular law or command.  However, they abdicate their authority entirely [their authority "breaks down completely" and is regarded as "null"] when there is a certain, grave, and prolonged abuse of their power. We must be very careful here--The HHS abortion mandate has now been clearly identified, both by the bishops and by the faithful, as such a "grave" and "sustained" abuse...What's next?  I don't know--It is like [riding with poor Dorthy] in a house that has been ripped off its foundation.  [But let us be patient. When the house finally lands on its proper foundation, Jesus Christ, the wicked ways of the West will lie squashed under His feet!]

Now is the time to Pray--and to pray earnestly for an increase in Faith.
Now is the time to Examine our Consciences--accept the forgiveness and mercy of Jesus Christ, and with the grace of the Sacraments of Baptism and Reconciliation, make concrete amends.

God Bless You.

P.S.--As a reference in support of what has been said here, You may also want to read:

In the Bible, the Book of Acts and the Book of Revelation
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (Paragraphs 1897-1904, but especially para. 1903)
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (Paragraphs 2238-2243, but especially para. 2242)
The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church (paragraphs 393-399, but especially para. 399)
The Gospel of Life (paragraphs 68-74, but especially paragraph 74)
Peace on Earth (paragraphs 48-52, but especially paragraph 51)
The Long-Continued and Most Bitter War (Paragraph 15)
The Service of Authority and Obedience (paragraph 5, etc.)


  1. Some of my friends get bothered when I admonish them for not following laws they perceive as unimportant. I try not to be pushy, but I am not afraid to tell them when I think they are doing something wrong.

    Donnie, what do you think about the authority of fathers to children and husbands to wives? I mean, I know wives are supposed to be submissive, but husbands must love wives as Christ loves the Church, so I figure that means that basically women should respect their husbands' decisions as long as the decision is intended to be the best for them and is not contrary to her conscience.

    Also, what about males and females in other relationships, like courtship or even friendship? I tend to think women should defer to men but only if the thing being done is for mutual benefit, and maybe she only has to think he is clearly wrong rather than morally culpable (i.e. stupid instead of immoral). But for a courtship, you're discerning marriage, so I figure you would be a little different, but then you can't discern by "trying it out," so...well, it's hard to find anyone who talks about this, being that most people would think this whole comment is mysoginistic. Right now, I'm thinking that she should feel like she's discerning a call to marriage with him, and therefore she is going to listen to him because she is loving him, and because he loves her, and that if something goes wrong (he isn't acting in her interest or she is disrespectful to him) it means they aren't really loving each other, and should end the courtship.

  2. Dear Fadi,

    When you admonish a friend, try to first get an idea of what is already on their mind. Your admonition may be more effective if you wait for an opportune time, by first being open to discuss the issues that your friend feels to be the most pressing. In the meantime, pray for your friend, especially if their offence is a light matter. But if your friend's offense is a grave matter, do not neglect to speak to your friend about it when the Holy Spirit prompts you to do so, and let your admonition be marked by charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chastity.

    Christ teaches and shows us that the Law is fulfilled in Love. Let us use the opportunities for admonishing friends and exercising authority as a means for serving the other, helping the other to become more truly free by obedience to the Truth, and more fully alive in the communion of Love.

    As for the mutual submission between Husband and wife, that is caught up into the mystery of the love between Christ and His Church. Men should not consider themselves gods, but consider how attentive Christ is to the needs of His Church, and how Christ laid down even His life for her. Women should be as obedient as the Church is to Christ, but should consider themselves not as a slave, but as an intimate friend.

    Fadi, you may be interested in what Fr. Riccardo has to say about this.
